Here's what I'm planning to learn and why

Asynchronous programming and framework for it, most likely the AIOHTTP. I understand issues that come with GIL, especially now, when task performance is more often I/O bound.

• Deeper knowledge of CS (Data Structures, Algorithms), since big O still matters in some fields and this knowledge helps write code with scalability in mind.

• A functional programming language, like F#, Scala or Lisp, because it can seriously expand my understanding of various programming paradigms and improve problem-solving skills.

Redis, because I need an instrument to cache web pages, reducing load on servers and facilitating communication between different parts of an application.

Nginx, since it's the fastest HTTP server and the best way to manage traffic while providing cashing.

• Deeper knowledge of CSS. because I want to be able to create functional and decently looking web pages on my own

• Fundamentals of JS, same as CSS and also just because I want to check out different languages.