Project 1 photo

Password generator with GUI

Project utilizes Tkinter and Ttkbootstrap to provide you with modern looking password generator program that allows you to choose length of generated password from 4 to 20 symbols, select 'Easy to read' (easily distinguishable characters), 'Easy to say' (letters only) options, and separately choose between uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. Generated password can be copied on button.

Project 2 photo

Vacancies parser via API

Project utilizes requests library to collect vacancies and employer data from and online recruitment platforms. Interaction is CLI based, user can set filters, such as keywords, location pay, employment type and other. After getting the data, user can save them to Postgres DB and work with saved vacancies later on.

Project 3 photo

Android apps market study

Project utilizes pandas, matplotlib and seaborn to study big load of data from kaggle about android apps market. User can can get info about most popular genres, apps, median and mean metrics of an app, such as price and size. User can also get data visualisation about different metrics.